Tuesday, March 31, 2009

North Dakota does NOT Equal New Olreans

A good friend emailed me an article chronicling the devastation occurring in North Dakota. Similar to when the earth's devices adversely affect most parts of our wonderful country, these people are doing what they need to do . . . withOUT the finger-pointing.

Unlike many in the Katrina catastrophe, these people don't seem to be begging for financial aid, and I'm assuming Obama isn't going to offer up $2,000 gift cards like Bush did for the "victims" of Katrina. I suppose Bush HAD to do that, since Katrina WAS HIS FAULT(???). But really, I don't understand why Obama isn't giving dough to the residents of North Dakota? I mean, it is most certainly because of his position on global warming that the ice melted, or didn't, or the tears of the god's increased raising the Red River levels, (or whatever) thus annihilating much of the region.

Another glaring example of how people operate in a conservative vs liberal mindset. The more liberal area immediately forced blame and required a bail-out, AFTER sufficient warning (Katrina). Conversely, the more conservative area did what it had to do, and helped others (North Dakota) . . . funny, all without a spotlight. But really, who gives a sh*t about people in North Dakota . . . as long as they keep their mouths shut, live sufficiently, and aren't a burden to the rest of us - why care?

Keep on NoDak - that's what makes you so appealing, and probably why you'll be one of the last states messed with once the regime really begins the steamroll take-over we call Obama's first term.


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