Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Well, Miss . . . I mean "Mr" Perez . . .

Did this world news article really say, "'God was testing my faith,' says Miss California after Perez Hilton calls her a 'dumb bitch' in gay marriage row" - this is the headline for an article published on April 21st on the website http://www.dailymail.co.uk. The headline isn't the problem, or that she was called a "dumb bitch" . . . its who called her that! Apparently Perez Hilton - a ridiculous human - was the one offering the label. Why is he/she given the credit to be in a headline of ANY sort? Sad when someone reads that, they may actually think someone with an ounce of credentials penned that thought . . . think again.

Article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1172123/God-testing-faith-says-Miss-California-Perez-Hilton-calls-dumb-bitch-gay-marriage-row.html

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