Friday, October 9, 2009

Today was kind of a half day (I got off work at approx 930ish) . . . but it was an eye-opener. First, Oprah, she is an insult to anyone claiming to be a clear-thinker . . . her topic was on “black chicks hair”, and her guest was Chris Rock . . . now I like Chris Rock, so after a couple minutes of palm-kissing the queen, I had to turn it off. Then I watched Househusbands of Hollywood . . . anyway, cant believe these “husbands” are married to chicks. Then I put it on Comedy Central, and that fat funny dip-shit character, Patton Oswald was doing stand-up . . . I thought, great, now I’m getting my money back for this $150 per month satellite bill . . . he was quasi-funny, then he got political . . . he went on about how 10 years ago no one would believe our progress, then he began to relate other occurrences . . . after his explanation of Bush’s retard-ness and Barack’s “coolness”, I had to retreat, vomit in my own mouth, swallow it, and save it for someone later . . .
Now, I have good buddies that don’t balance on the same beam as I do, but they think clearly and we have occasional dialogue about current affairs . . . am I wrong? Is Obama NOT an idiot??? T.Ed? Paul? Someone? Help?

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