Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Once again you’ve done it. You’re a real piece of . . . work. What happened today???? Hhhmm, oh, well Palin is a pig, Biden (your running mate) thinks Hillary would make a great president and a better vice president than him, you’re bent because the conservatives “stole” your change idea . . . seriously, you’ve become absurd.
At first I assumed you were a typical liberal politician with a silver tongue and a sweet sprinkle of terror aimed at our home land. I thought your (then) opponent (Billary) was just another power-hungry SOB yearning for the influence and spotlight that the White House offers . . . turns out I was right – about Hillary. But you Obama, you’re different than I imagine considered, you aren’t quite as eloquent as I presumed you were. Take that teleprompter away and GW looks like a motivational speaker compared to you. Your UMMS and AHHES are inspired. You’re also not as attractive as I think we all thought you were – or as you thought you were. You look upset, like a school girl who lost her turn. Your comments on how Americans aren’t “stupid” and want someone who “has been talking change from the beginning, not just bringing it up now, you can’t just bring it up now” . . . wow. Let me get you a tissue.
Your friends are great (as usual) too. Here is what Tennessee Representative Steve Cohen said today, “If you want change, you want the Democratic Party,” Cohen said. “Barack Obama was a community organizer like Jesus, who our minister prayed about. Pontius Pilate was a governor.” Soooo, that means Palin is like Pilate . . . . HEY, THERE NAME IS ALMOST THE SAME TOO! The audacity of her!
Let’s all take a deep breath and consider how this country’s media would regard Palin if she were a liberal???? *** I can see it now, “Meager soccer mom takes on corporate big business and cuts costs. Eliminates oil fortunes for the fat cats and lines the little guy’s pockets. No career politician, no, she is down on the front lines rolling up her sleeves and making a difference. From a paltry upbringing, she strong-arms the corporate bullies. Courageously raising her family, including a special-needs child, she is nothing short of sainthood. She even makes their sandwiches on occasion.” *** unfortunately, they won’t spin it that way, they’ve already offered adulteress allegations and are making “lack of experience” a focal point . . . seriously Obama – isn’t that calling the kettle black?
With the media in your back pocket (look at how they shielded your pal Johnny Edwards’ affair for a whole year, after it finally leaked, then went out after ONE DAY and (falsely) claimed Palin had an affair) you have every advantage. If you don’t win this election, you truly are embarrassing.


The waiter said...

i hate the way he "umms" it drives me crazy. I will have to use the TiVo during the debates as I am sure there will be plenty of "umms"

Big Ed said...

Yeah, people who say ummm or like are dumb.

It is actually a known fact that you can determine the quality of a company executive or leader by the way, and how many times, they say ummmm.

Media people are messed up, I agree. You should check out what I mean below:

The waiter said...

my brother sucks and you should always ignore him...

Big Ed said...

My sister has a foul mouth. I think foul language is illegal under the McPalin Doctrine for Ethical Living Standards. It's a new policy they announced yesterday.