Friday, August 29, 2008

Ed (& Eric) the Iron Man (Men)

I must show love to Ed baker – he’s the editor of our paper . . . the paper that will be taking over the world soon . . . when everyone realizes that the New York Post, Gazette, Times and Tribune are all full of shite, they’ll turn to the real news source . . . College Times.
Well, we’re a pretty damned good entertainment guide for the Phoenix area at least . . . anyhoo, Baker is running the Phoenix triathlon later this year. I don’t know the exact specs, but I think triathlons (3 activities – running, biking & swimming) go for about 732 miles running, 198 swimming and 1,487 biking . . . dude, its freaking insane. My main point is, I go to the gym (obviously by my 13-pack) but hate cardio. I used to jog before I lifted (big deal), but wasn’t really getting a lot out of it . . . so I thought I would give swimming a try. Sirs & Ma’ams . . . swimming kicks you’re a$$! I go non-stop (after a workout) approx 25 meters, and I’m housed. Its awesome . . . less than 10 minutes and my cardio is done . . .
. . . so I tip my hat to Baker for training and committing to swim a thousand miles this November (or whenever the lunacy is).
Oh yeah – our graphic designer Eric J is also doing it, but he’s done it before and is like a robot with his diet and training, so I bet it’s gonna be super easy for him!

1 comment:

Eric Jelinek said...

if the Ironman ever gets easy for me, I know I am not racing it fast enough. Props to Ed, for sure. Swimming is hard and he picked it up speedwise rather quickly.

And just so you know, Chuck Norris does an Ironman everyday to wake up instead of drinking coffee.
Eric J. - Ironman