Monday, January 28, 2008

The Weekly "WHAT THE?" . . .

I’m going to try my best to be diligent and start a pretty random blurt coined the “WEEKLY WHAT THE?”

The WWT will be an observation that I had and decided to share. Can you feel the privilege radiating from your computer screen now? Just wait . . . you’re about to witness the first . . . WEEKLY WHAT THE???

January 28, 2008
WHAT THE?? You want to know something . . . for as long as I can remember, I’ve been aware that smoking is bad for you. Even when I used to pull almost a pack of sweet Newports a day, I still knew it was bad for me. No smoker is going to dispute that smoking might actually be progressing their health (rather regressing), and if they are, they’re in complete denial. Now just cause I “don’t smoke anymore” (unless Steve’s nearby), I don’t feel the need many 'righteous' do to arrogantly plug my nose or fake cough whenever I see someone light up . . . it’s their privilege – you’re not going to go tell some heifer to drop the Whopper are you? Whats the diff? OK OK, here’s my point – smoking is bad for you . . . so why is it, from my "expert observation", that the highest percentage of smokers in one vocation come from the medical field? Have you EVER driven by a hospital, emergency room or urgent care facility and NOT seen a nurse outside cranking a Marlborough into her pipe (sorry to say “her”, but seriously, it’s usually a dame out there). Every time I pass a medical joint I see Martha lightin up a Kool in her purple scrub-a-dubs. Ahhe sweet. Just an interesting reflection . . .

1 comment:

Matt Horn said...

"Expert Observation"? I pissed myself laughing out that outloandish and utterly absurd commentary.