Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Weekly "WHAT THE" . . .

What’s the deal with people driving in the left lane on our freeways? It seems like every other car traveling on the highways out here have forgotten the golden rule of courtesies . . . well, here’s a little reminder, they go a little something like this: (a) DON’T LITTER, and (b) SLOWER TRAFFIC MOVE RIGHT. That’s pretty much it. Oh yeah, don’t drive in reverse.

I mean c’mon, it’s the oldest decree regarding driving on the highway system. I guess I’m not sure what travels through their mind as they cruise at 63, while traffic in the middle lane alternates from 62 to 67, thus trapping me in a never-ending frogger game in the left lane. They see the 78 cars in their rear-view-mirror??? Is it not common-knowledge that if you strip the passing lane of its intended purpose, you clog the entire structure? The freeway movement organism is the largest chain-reaction on earth . . . look at how long it takes the 4th car in a line at the red light to finally move once the light has turned green . . . forever – theoretically, everyone should move at the same time! If “guy” in car 1 moved immediately, as did “guy” in car 2, car 3 and so on, everyone would progress immediately. That is obviously an inspired goal, but you see my point . . . the traffic chain-reaction can take on the size of the container – whether you’re a couple cars at a red light, or a boatload of traffic rumbling down the freeway getting funneled by some yahoo going too slow in the passing lane.

I’m not advocating speeding, but ya know what, if I’m progressing at 120 mph, and someone rolls up on my arse-end, I scoot.

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