Friday, August 22, 2008

Apparently we are having a love affair with Senator Obama . . . I'm just wondering why? What has he done for anything? I mean, the fella puts his foot in his mouth more than anyone I've ever heard . . . AND HE'S SUPPOSEDLY A BLESSED SPEAKER . . . I guess if you like "umm, uhh, I unequivocally have said, umm, uhh" . . . yeah, real eloquent. C'mon, I'm more articulate than he is – and that’s embarrassing – just cause you use a lot of big words doesn’t mean you’re saying anything.
I guess I’m just wondering why we like him? I mean, aren’t there any other candidates? Pop chimed – “these are the best (two) hairballs they could cough up”, this was when Billary was still involved. Pretty funny, but sadly true . . . however its not like either side is pristine or without fault, error or missing a huge leadership element. But back to Barack, I’ve essentially covered his career thus far – nothing – but what about the things he is saying? Cause remember, he’s mesmerizing . . . didn’t he mention a Biblical philosophy around seven times during the “debate-forum-thingy” at Saddleback Church regarding “treating the least of my brothers” or how we treat the “least” or less fortunate is somehow a reflection on our character, and to help achieve Godlike qualities, this is a tremendous characteristic (according to him) . . . DIDN’T WE JUST FIND OUT HE HAS A HALF-BRO WHO SAID THE LAST TIME THEY MET (in 2006) IT WAS LIKE MEETING A PERFECT STRANGER??? George Hussein Osamabama-bobama-fee-fi-fo-fama is living off $1 a month . . . saaaaweet. Way to “hook a brotha up” – literally.

All I’m sayin is . . . I don’t need a dude like that to raise my taxes to feed a system that is broken, to support programs I don’t believe in anyway, to be completely weak on defense and to talk down to me all the time like I’m an idiot . . . my wife can do that (I mean the taxes part)!!!

He is gonna announce his running mate tomorrow . . . maybe it’ll be Ludacris . . . did anyone hear this song? Where he says that McCain should be in a wheelchair, abd that Hillary is a beeeeeeatch (true-dat homie) and goes on about how the White House is getting’ painted blizzack . . . listen, I would love to have a black President, in fact, someone I would vote for right now is Michael Steele (ex Lieutenant Governor of Maryland). But I’m not gonna vote for someone cause they’re black, or cause they’re white . . . maybe if they’re HOT!

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